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Compilers use these environment variables:
- SUNDB_DBPATH = {search path for databus compiles}
- SUNDB_DBC = {location of sunbelt support files - usually SUNBELT\DBC}
- SUNDB_TERM=ANSI - tells the system to use ANSI terminal commands.
- SUNDB_NET={NOVELL or PCNET} to set the network support type.
DBSERIAL is the serial number file authorizing use of the system.- Nnnnnnnn is a register type file noting the current number of users on the system. You can copy this or the system will create it for you.
- SDBWIN.INI also contains the above SET information.
- ANSI.DEF is an optional file that works like the old SUNSCRN.DEF.
- MAKEDEF.EXE (like TESTCRT) is used to modify the ANSI.DEF file. Use the "-p" option to print or display the contents. Leave out the "-p" option to modify the file.
- SDB386 requires and will auto load DOS4GW.EXT to provide extended memory support.
- Windows compiles:
- SDBWIN SUNDBCMP {source program} {options}
Ed says it's faster to use the SDB386 compiler in a DOS session than to use the actual windows compiler.
See below:
DOS compiles:
- SDB386 {source program} {options}
- Use option "-ZG" to allow GUI instructions when compiling under DOS.
INCLUDE search path:
- Look in the directory with the source program.
- Check the path in SDBWIN.INI
- Check the SUNDB_PATH setting in the environment.
Windows Program Distribution
Include the following programs and files:
SDBWIN.FON is the font library used for the windows programs. To use another font library just give it this name.
To run on WIN 3.1 or 3.11, you must load WIN32S support for 32 bit programs. This can be downloaded from the BBS. The latest version is in two files named
- W32V13D1.EXE
- W32V13D2.EXE
These are self extracting archives representing DISK 1 and DISK 2. They must be expanded into directories C:\DISK1 and C:\DISK2 respectively.
After downloading and expanding these libraries, go to Windows and use the RUN command to run: C:\DISK1\SETUP. This will install both the WIN32S support and optionally the FREECELL game program. Windows will then be restarted to invoke the new support.
Programs do not require formal INSTALL procedures. They may be simply loaded to a disk and started with either the RUN command or with a program group item. Since the windows product is interpretive, the command to start the first program is:
SDBWIN {program name} {command line options}
The windows programs do not use the familar SUNSCRN.DEF file and it's associated drive search table. Instead, the programs will use the SUNDB_PATH environment variable as a search path.
The DOS environment size is NOT respected when you go to the DOS prompt under WINDOWS. Instead, it looks in the SYSTEM.INI file for the non-windows applications group and be sure to set the command environment size there.
- [NonWindowsApp]
- localtsrs=dosedit,ced
- CommandEnvSize=2000
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Since 09/15/1998Send e-mail to MMCC. |