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[label] GETMODE {list}={value}[,{list}={value},...]
This has a variety of useful functions.
Use it to get the name of the INI files currently being used.
- *INICURRENT current working directory INI file name.
- *INIGLOBAL global INI file name.
- *INILOCAL local workstation INI file name.
See the article on CLOCK for ways to get information out of the various INI files.
- PROGRAM INFORMATION Use these items to get information about the program you're running.
- *PROGNAME name of the currently running program.
- *PROGSERIAL serial number supplied by the compiler.
- *PROGSTAMP Time stamp when program compiled ccyymmddhhmmss.
- *PROGVER A version number provided by the compiler.
- *COMPILER Compiler version
We build these right into the OPEN routine for each system so that the information is available to every program.
And check out CLOCK VERSION for the runtime version.
List controls determine the information returned by the GETMODE instruction.
The following List Controls are supported:Control The value returned is the ... *3D 3D effect state. *AAMEXT AAM file extension. *ALIASNAME external program alias name. *APSPOOL client printing and spooling mode. *BGCOLOR background color. *CARET KEYIN cursor state. *COMPILER compiler version number. *COMPSUNFM file manager compression state. *CURDIR current working directory. *CLOCKDATE date format. *CLOCKUSEIP CLOCK date and time source server address. *DEFPRT default printer name. *DISPFLUSH immediate KEYIN and DISPLAY output state. *DSPMODE output redirection mode. *EDITHILITE EDITTEXT highlight mode. *ERRORDLG runtime error dialog control. *F1 F1 mode state. *F10 F10 mode state. *F1HELP F1HELP mode state. *FULLSCR full screen mode state. *GUI GUI instruction set. *GRAYSCALE runtime gray scaling state. *HANDISPLAY output redirection file handle. *HANKEYIN input redirection file handle. *HANSTDIN input redirection file handle. *HANSTDOUT output redirection file handle. *INICURRENT current working directory INI file name. *INIGLOBAL global INI file name. *INILOCAL local workstation INI file name. *ISIEXT default ISI file extension. *KEYMODE input redirection mode. *LOCKIO forced I/O locks state. *LOGONKEY file manager logon key. *LTGRAY light gray color replacement mode. *NODEFTABID default tab identification number generation mode state. *OLDDRAW 8.0 drawing mode for objects state. *OPENABS open absolute mode state. *OPENUSEIP the current string settings for PLB_OPENUSEIP. *PIXEL pixel screen address mode state. *PLCEXT default PL/B program file extension. *PREPBYMFD actions of the PREPARE instruction. *PREPUSEIP the current string settings for PLB_PREPUSEIP. *PROGNAME original program name when compiled. *PROGSERIAL program serial number. *PROGSTAMP program timestamp. *PROGVER program compiler version. *PUBLICKEY file manager public key. *RMSAAMEXT default RMS AAM file extension. *RMSISIEXT default RMS ISI file extension. *RMSTXTEXT default RMS TXT file extension. *SCREEN character mode operations state. *SHAREFLUSH shared file flush state. *SHIFTINV set of characters in the shift inversion table. *SHUTDOWN shutdown mode state. *SKIPFOCUS gain focus event mode for a reactivated window state. *SORTMEM working memory size for the Sort instruction. *SPLEXT default spool file extension. *SPLUSEIP default Sunbelt File Manager IP address for spooled output. *TASKID current task identifier. *THREADID current thread identifier of an object running under the automation server. *THREADRDY current state of an object running under the automation server. *TXTEXT default text file extension. *UPPERCASE set of characters in the case conversion table. *USEDBCTYPE SWDBC TYPE compatibility state. *USE7F the logical record termination character for DATALIST or COMBOBOX data. *USESPLEXT use default spool file extension on SPLOPEN state.
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